Source code is hosted on GitHub
Works for server side and client side translations handling
Features static translations access , without using string based keys
Extremely easy to use and customise
Not bloated with unnecessary features
yarn npm
Copy yarn add @corets/translator
Copy npm install --save @corets/translator
Seamless React integration is shipped in a separate package:
Static translation access
Translations can be accessed in a static manner thanks to the createTranslatorAccessor()
helper. Check out @corets/use-translator docs for an example usage in React.
Custom interpolations
Provide a custom interpolation function used for replacement of placeholders with values:
Copy import { createTranslator } from "@corets/translator"
const customInterpolator = (text : string , match : string , replacement : any ) => {
return text .replace ( `[[ ${ match } ]]` , replacement)
const translator = createTranslator ({} , { interpolator : customInterpolator })
You can access the default interpolation function anytime:
Copy import { translatorInterpolator } from "@corets/translator"
Custom formatting
Provide a custom formatter function used to format replacements before interpolation:
Copy import { createTranslator , translatorFormatter } from "@corets/translator"
import dayjs from "dayjs"
const customFormatter = (language : string , replacement : any , replacements : object ) => {
if (replacement instanceof Date ) {
const format = replacements ?.format ?? "DD.MM.YYYY"
return dayjs (replacement) .format (format)
return defaultTranslatorFormatter (language , replacement , replacements)
const translator = createTranslator ({} , { formatter : customFormatter })
Custom placeholders
Provide a custom placeholder function used to generate placeholders for missing translation keys:
Copy import { createTranslator } from "@corets/translator"
const customPlaceholder = (language : string , key : string , replacements : object ) => ` ${ language } . ${ key } `
const translator = createTranslator ({} , { placeholder : customPlaceholder })
You can access the default placeholder function anytime:
Copy import { translatorPlaceholder } from "@corets/translator"
Create a new Translator
Copy import { createTranslator } from "@corets/translator"
const translations = {
en : { title : "Welcome" } ,
de : { title : "Willkommen" }
const translator = createTranslator (translations , { language : "en" })
Create a translator instance without the factory function:
Copy import { Translator } from "@corets/translator"
const translator = new Translator ({} , { language : "en" })
Create a statically typed facade for your translations. This allows you to access translations in a statically typed manner, no need to use string based translation keys anymore. Trying to access missing translations will lead to a compilation error! 💥
Copy import { createTranslator , createTranslatorAccessor } from "@corets/translator"
const translations = {
en : { some : { nested : "value" , another : "Hello {greeting}" } } ,
de : { some : { nested : "other" } } ,
const translator = createTranslator (translations , { language : "en" })
const locales = createTranslatorAccessor (translator , translations .en)
locales . some . nested .get ()
locales . some . another .get ({ replace : { greeting : "World" } })
locales . some . nested .get ({ language : "de" })
This functionality is powered by the accessor library:
Configure translator:
Copy import { createTranslator } from "@corets/translator"
const translator = createTranslator ({ ... } , { language : "en" })
translator .config ({
language : "en" ,
fallbackLanguage : "de" ,
interpolate : true ,
formatter ,
interpolator ,
placeholder ,
Get current language:
Copy translator .getLanguage ()
Change current language:
Copy translator .setLanguage ( "en" )
Get all registered languages:
Copy translator .getLanguages ()
Get fallback language:
Copy transaltor .getFallbackLanguage ()
A fallback language is used whenever a translation key is missing for current language.
Change fallback language:
Copy translator .setFallbackLanguage ( "de" )
Get all registered translations:
Copy translator .getTranslations ()
Returned object looks something like this:
Copy {
en : { key : "value" } ,
de : { key : "value" } ,
Get all translations for a specific language:
Copy translator .getTranslationsForLanguage ( "en" )
The returned object looks something like this:
Replace all translations, for all languages, with the new ones:
Copy translator .setTranslations ({ en : { key : "value" }})
Replace all translations for a specific language:
Copy translator .setTranslationsForLanguage ( "en" , { key : "value" })
Update all translations, in all languages, using a merge:
Copy translator .addTranslations ({ de : { key : "value" } })
Add translations, for a specific language, using a merge:
Copy translator .addTranslationsForLanguage ( "en" , { key : "value" })
Retrieve a translation:
Copy translator .get ( "key" )
Retrieve a translation with a nested key:
Copy translator .get ( "nested.key" )
Retrieve translation for another language:
Copy translator .get ( "key" , { language : "de" })
Retrieve translation with another fallback language:
Copy translator .get ( "key" , { fallbackLanguage : "de" })
Retrieve translation without interpolating it:
Copy translator .get ( "key" , { interpolate : false })
Retrieve a translation and interpolate some values, using array syntax:
Copy // given translation: {{1}} and {{2}} are colors
translator .get ( "key" , [ "red" , "blue" ])
Retrieve a translation and interpolate some values, using object syntax:
Copy // given translations: {{color1}} and {{color2}} are colors
translator .get ( "key" , { color1 : "red" , color2 : "blue" })
Retrieve translation with a custom formatter, interpolator and placeholder:
Copy translator .get ( "key" , { formatter , interpolator , placeholder })
Check if translation exists:
Copy translator .has ( "key" )
Check if translation exists for a specific language:
Copy translator .has ( "key" , { language : "en" })
Check if translation exists in the current language or in a specific fallback language:
Copy translator .has ( "key" , { fallbackLanguage : "de" })
Create a standalone translation function:
Copy const t = translator .t ()
t ( "key" )
// same as
translator .get ( "key" )
Create a translation function for a specific scope:
Copy const t = translator .t ( "nested.scope" )
t ( "key" )
// same as
translator .get ( "nested.scope.key" )
Override scope with ~
Copy const t = translator .t ( "nested.key" )
t ( "~key" )
// same as
translator .get ( "key" )
Listen to any kind of changes, like language change, translations change, etc.:
Copy const unsubscribe = translator .listen (() => console .log ( "something has changed" ))
unsubscribe ()